Thursday, April 10, 2014

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 10 - Outwitting the Devil

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 10

'Whatever the Mind of Man Can Conceive and Believe, it can Achieve'
                   +Napoleon Hill

The Book Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill is a an Interview that Napoleon Hill has with the Devil for over 200 pages. Published over 70 years after his death, Hill 'extracts' from the Devil all means by which he ensnares 98% of humanity.

Whatever you believe about Heaven, Hell, God and the Devil, this book inadvertently outlines in great detail all the Napoleon Hill references in Think and Grow Rich and the Law Of Success.

The Most important take away for me is that the main route by which The Devil takes hold of a persons mind and soul is when he gives himself over to drifting, to lack of purpose and clarity, that's when the Devil (insert any other negative force here) takes.

The main vices used are fear, doubt, lust, greed, overindulgence in food, sex, and liquor.

So What is the Cure?

Definiteness of purpose, moving confidently in the direction of your vision, knowing exactly what you want and how you plan to get it. Demanding of the universe just compensation for your right actions.

Watch this video for more and to get a formula for getting exactly the amount of money you want now.



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