Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Full Empower Network Review by Top Earner

Empower Network

this Blog post is Quoted from Rob's site exactly. He is showing you what is possible here and he's only make over $700,000 from Empower... intrigued? read on

Thinking about joining David Wood’s Empower Network?
But what is it, exactly?
  • Is it a turnkey mlm lead generation system?
  • A full-blown online attraction marketing funnel?
  • Is it a new MLM… or a super-sexy affiliate program?
Is “empower network” designed as a funded proposal or to replace your primary network marketing business?
Let’s take a closer look, put a few rumors to rest and  discover a few insider secrets that may surprise… no, SHOCK YOU !

Who Else Wants to Make Big Money Blogging?

The Empower Network

The Empower Network is the brainchild of David Wood and David Sharpe.
The system was officially launched on Halloween, October 31st 2011 by a small team of 40+ sharp affiliate marketers who decided to blaze the trail to promote a new concept called 100% affiliate commissions.
With the first 72 hours, over $250,000+ in affiliate commissions were deposited directly in founding members’ bank accounts.
Then the problems began…
  • The server crashed – again and again
  • Merchant Accounts were getting terminated
  • Paypal would not accept the program
… and more. Over the next two years the company (and affiliates) saw more than their fair share of challenges.
But that is what happens when a new rocket clears the launch pad and blasted straight into orbit at a velocity seldom seen within the internet marketing arena.
So why all the excitement? Is this it… or should we keep looking?
The best answer to that question is:
It depends.
Because… If you are looking for a new type of proven affiliate program that offers an unusually high income potential – this may be exactly what you are looking for.
The magic is you can get started for as little as $25 per month and earn up to $5,125 per sale on the front end and even more money on the back end.
Commissions earned are paid weekly and this is important because if you are one of those who like to promote using paid advertising – you get your profits out a whole lost faster than with most businesses.
On the other hand, if you are looking for a new network marketing opportunity… or if you are looking for a turnkey solution that drops easy commissions out of the sky with the wave of a magic wand… or if you are looking for something for nothing… or you come to the table with no list, no facebook account, no twitter followers – bare to the bone with absolutely nothing going on – and you NEED to make $1,000 tomorrow… then empower network is not for you.

Empower Network System – $25

empower network review
The cost to join the Empower Network is only $25 per month.
This gets you “in the door” and instantly set up with your own search engine optimized blog.
Nothing to install.
Simply make a few easy changes to how you want your name, bio and pic to appear and you’re done…. you’re ready for action.
Notice the social media elements like “share this” and the RSS feed is already coded. This is nothing for you to do except… 1) Blog Daily… 2) Tell Others… 3) Make Money.
Well now… let’s back up the boat.
There is at least TWO other things you must do to cash in the most money blogging and neither one of them is discussed up front like they should be. So let talk more about that now…

Empower Network – Full Disclosure

While it does cost only $25 per month to join empower network and get your own blog, if you want to make money with the program you must also jump through a one very easy “hoop” to be able to start having the commissions deposited directly into your back account.
You have to sign up for an e-wallet account and this will run you an additional $19.95 per month.
So the total cost to get started with a new mobile blog and to be able to earn commissions is $44.95 per month.
Basically, e-wallet is like PayPal and how it works is the company processes all orders and refunds.
They handle everything. Then, once a week, they deposit your earned commissions directly into your new e-wallet account. From there, you can have e-wallet send you a check or make a transfer of your monies directly into your bank account.
Signing up for e-wallet is not a big deal and there is no approval process.
Pay the $19.95 fee and you’re done. That’s it. They also have a short video tutorial that walks you through the entire process which takes about 10 minutes – click here, do this… then this… then this. Pretty easy stuff.

Empower Network for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is simply selling another person’s product or service to earn a commission and it is by far one of the fastest, easiest ways to get started making a significant income online.
Historically, the challenge has always been you find a great product or service to promote and now you are left to make your first “marketing decision” – HOW are you going to promote this new product or service on a consistent basis over an extended period of time.
Because NO PRODUCT sells itself regards of many claims to the contrary.
So if you want to get paid in affiliate marketing or even by the empower network – YOU must “set up shop” and start learning how to promote whatever it is you are selling.
With the empower network you are given a fully functional,fully optimized blog for this purpose. So the idea is to:
  1. Blog Daily
  2. Market Daily
  3. Make Money
So let me ask you this? What are you going to blog about? And why would you do that
Now, I have to say…
I’ve only made $732,000 promoting this program in the past 24 months… so if you are looking for someone who has made millions, keep looking because I’m still working on it! Click Here for Income Disclaimer
One you do start blogging everyday… even more important is to know how to PROMOTE YOUR BLOG – because if you miss this step you will have wasted your time. (Hint: If you do not promote your blog posts you will never get traffic. No traffic means no visitors and no visitors means no sales and no commissions earned!)

Empower Network for Network Marketing

Empower Network can be used as a lead generation, funded proposal type of system.
Simply add highly targeted, keyword-rich articles to your blog – and promote each post to rank well on the search engines.
Consider putting together a short “bootcamp” showing other frustrated network marketers exactly how they could best use EN to generate daily leads on demand, pocket a few extra affiliate commissions and back end their primary.
So yeah, I’m confident the Empower Network can be effectively used as an online mlm lead generationsystem if promoted properly.
It is time for you to GET STARTED NOW.

Empower Network Review

Dozens of people made tens of thousands of dollars seemingly “overnight” and that created a firestorm of activity when the Empower Network first launched.
Over 10,00 people joined and set up their own empower network blog with big dreams of finally having found a way to make a significant affiliate income online by simply “posting to your blog everyday” and teaching their new team to do the same thing.
The feeding frenzy crashed the server (numerous times) and while a HANDFUL of people did make tens of thousands of dollars… and DOZENS of people raked in a few thousand from the empower network compensation plan… MOST of the new members didn’t make a dime or make just a few dollars here and there.
So what is the difference that makes all the difference?
Bottom line: Those who make the big money fast (like we did) had a list of people they could promote the new program to.
You see, I make most of my money in network marketing and, in fact, have a team of over 11,00 active distributors worldwide.
To promote this business (or any business for that matter!) we need leads. Lots and lots of leads.
You need to expose your business to new people on a consistent basis over an extended period of time.
Long story short…
18 months ago I joined a program called MLSP – MLM Lead System Pro and discovered how to generate leads online.
The first year we used the program, we built a list of over 6,000 “frustrated networkers” interested in learning how they could use the internet to generate mlm leads. make a significant affiliate income through attraction marketing and get paid even if people did not join their primary network marketing business.
Then EN goes live and I simply sent an few emails out to this huge list of 6,000 people and… voila!
Dozens upon dozen of people joined and we got paid big time.
So the big bucks were earned, initially, by those of us who already had a list – not from cold market marketing!
And certainly NOT from simply “blogging daily”.

You Get The Empower Network Blog

If you are online to make money, the biggest benefit of signing up and getting started is the “empower network blog”.
Because the question you need to be asking if you are serious about building a profitable business fast online is HOW are you going to get your products, services and business opportunity in front of people WHILE they are ACTIVELY SEARCHING  for whatever it is you are promoting. HOW?
The challenge is HOW…
HOW do you get your content, your offers and your wisdom to rank on the search engines for the keywords and phrase real people are actually typing in every day when they sit down in front of Google, Yahoo, Bing and Youtube?
If you have ever built a web site or have hosted your own blog – you know that setting up your site is actually the easy part. NOW you have to create content and promote that content to rank.
Unfortunately, the way the internet works is they rank OLDER SITES with MORE AUTHORITY higher than they rank newer sites with less authority. This means you can literally being doing everything right… but if you have a brand new domain and a brand new web site – you simply will not get any search engine for for 3 to 6 months. Not because you are doing anything wrong… but because that is just how the internet works.
But listen…
When you join you get an INSTANT AUTHORITY BLOG that ranks!
So you can get in, get busy and start producing results almost overnight.
Which changes the game completely – regardless of what you are currently promoting or will promote in the future.
Because it does not matter what you are promoting.
To take your business to the next level you HAVE TO get your content to rank on the search engines and the fastest, easiest, most fool-proof way of making that happen is to start posting and promoting your content on an authority site.
Seriously. Having an authority blog at your disposal puts the odds of success greatly in your favor and gives you a solid 3-6 month head start over those who are setting up their own blogs from scratch because a new blog simply does NOT have any age or authority and simply WILL NOT rank well on the search engines for a good 90-120 days or longer.

Empower Network Compensation Plan

So there are really TWO distinct reasons for considering getting involved with this system:
  • $25 per month gets you an authority blog
  • $19.95 per month allows you to make money promoting the authority blog

Should you decide to pay the additional $19.95 per month to participate in the “empower network compensation plan”, here’s how that works…
  • You post and promote whatever you want on your new authority blog
  • You promote the blog posts to rank on the search engines (we teach you how)
  • People find your blog posts to learn more about what you are promoting
  • 15% of the people who visit your posts will click the link to learn more about EN
  • 2-5% of these people will join your team and you earn a 100% monthly commission
Currently there are four distinct products that you can earn 100% commissions on. However, YOU must have purchased the products yourself in order to earn a commission on them.
  • $25 per month Empower Network Blog
  • $100 per month Inner Circle Marketing Training
  • $250 one-time – $15,000 Per Month Income Formula
  • $500 one-time – Costa Rica Mastermind Intensive Training
Now my results have been pretty impressive. Of course YOUR results may be better of worse than what we have been able to produce. But my results have worked out like this:
  • 100 people purchase the $25 blog system
  • 50 upgrade to the $100 per month Inner Circle
  • 25 invest in the $250 Income Formula
  • 10 pick up the $500 Mastermind Course
And since you earn 100% commissions – the profits add up pretty quick. Not to mention the fact you get paid the $25 and $100 memberships month after month after month on complete autopilot!

But Wait! It Gets Even Better!!

The Empower Network Compensation Plan is unique and it has the potential to make you a lot more money than it appears at first glance.
In fact, what you are about to discover – right here, right now – may surprise even SHOCK YOU at just how easy it is to make a very significant income very fast.
Be warned… you may not sleep well after learning this:
When you promote EN and people join… you earn 100% commissions on all the referrals you bring in for the products you have invested in.
However, you PASS UP commissions earned for your 2nd, 4th, 6th and every 5th sale you make. These monies are PASSED UP to the person who referred you into the program.
Meaning… if you were to make 10 sales at the $25 level… YOU would earn $25 per month on the 1st sale, 3rd, 5th and on sales 7-10. Meaning you would pocket $175 per month and your sponsor will earn $75 per month from your efforts.
So you are GIVING AWAY good money, right? But don’t be too depressed because watch what happens with the 7 people you are getting paid for!
Let’s they each makes 10 sales and each of your seven guys or gals are now making $175 per month. They’re happy and all is good.
YOU GET 7 x 3 x $25 per month – $575 per month.
See how that works? Now if you really don’t want top sleep tonight – click here to take a closer look at the Empower Network compensation plan straight from the mouth of David Wood, the founder.

Our Empower Network Team Benefits

If you have ever tried your hand at affiliate marketing you know how tough it can be to research, write and publish new content consistently.
It just takes a lot of time and effort and, frankly, most of us have not written anything since high school, right?
To help you GET STARTED NOW on the fast track to creating wealth  – when you join our team and stay active – we GIVE YOU 30 new articles per month you can post to your new empower network blog each and every month.
This eliminate the “blank page blues” that stops most new members dead in the water.
Even more powerful, as a paid member in good standing, YOU can offer this same benefit to your new team members so we can all start making more money faster and easier than ever before.
So what are you waiting for?
Get in. Get busy. And let’s make incredible thing happen within the Empower Network today.

Thanks for the BLOG Post Rob .

Keep on blazing the trail!

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