Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 25! - The power of Blog, Self Expression, and why the Universe wants you to WIN!

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 25 
Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool
The Power of Blog, Self Expression, and why the Universe
 wants you to live and abundant life!

Here's the short 7 minute video for you today

Here's the quote of the day.

Original Substance wants to live all that is possible in you, and wants you to have all that you can or will use for the living of the most abundant life.

-Wallace D. Wattles (From the Science of getting Rich

Today is a landmark day in this vlog series and the number 25 has massive significance in my life and my business.

$25 is all it costs to Get your Blog in Empower Network with a built in US ALEXA ranking of 265 

25 is when most people have their 1/4 life crises and either have the universe pat them on the back and say good job, or look in the mirror and say, things have to change

25 Reasons your business can benefit from your blog

Today's post is all about self expression, abundance, why the universe or Original Substance, or G-d, Nature, however you express it...wants you to be the best version of yourself you can.

What's the best way to do this online? - GET A BLOG

and start expressing yourself everyday! Everyday! There are 10000 yous out there that are into what you are into. 

If you have a business, you must have a BLOG to really create the traction and customer engagement you are seeking.

Enjoy the day and click here to get your Blog now

I look forward to reading it!



Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Bridge Page - Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 24

The Bridge Page - Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 24!

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool

The Bridge Page. What is it? Well watch this video to find out the key to getting 4x the amount of conversions than if you just use a standard Lead Capture page to sales video formula.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, email me and put squeeze page in the subject

Here's the video

The quote of the day is from the amazing work 
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

Here's the quote

There is a thinking Stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.

A thought, in this Substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.

Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon Formless Substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

Translation- Thoughts are things, what you think about most of the time, you become.

Click here to view my squeeze page

Click here to view my Bridge Page

Got 25 bucks?
 Of course you do, spend it here and get your blog started today

Monday, April 28, 2014

How I got 220 opt-in leads for my Business in 48 hours - Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 23

How I got 220 opt-in leads for my Business in 48 hours

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool

Leads, we all want them, we need them, we must have them to get sales. So many companies make it it so complicated to get them.

The internet has so many distractions and diversions from getting leads and producing sales.

So in this video, I will tell you exactly how I got 220 leads in 48 hours in my business and you can duplicate it exactly for any business opportunity you are in. Simple, yes. Easy, with a couple small skill sets ( which you can hire out), yes.

Watch this short video to see how I did it through a compelling
Lead Capture Page, Solo Ads, and a great hook.

want to see my lead capture page?

click here

'A Leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way' - John Maxwell

The $15k formula

Watch the video that changed my life

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 22 - BELIEF!

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 22 - Belief!

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool

Knowing What You want exactly and believing that it's coming towards you now!

I just watched the new welcome video for the 
Empower Network Back Office

with +David Wood 

He talks about 4 powerful techniques for supercharging your business
1. Focus
2. Belief
3. Learning
4. Rituals

In today's Daily Internet Marketing Tool, I talk about
how to get what you want

I 'm looking for 98 people to join my business in the next month.

I'm only seeking people that are willing to invest their time and energy a couple hours a day, 6 days a week to create an additional $3000-$5000 per month. Is that you?

Don't Join My business if you are seeking to get rich doing nothing

Don't JOIN MY BUSINESS if you want guaranteed income

Only Join My Business if you are one of the lucky ones who knows that the time is right for you and your family to stop
repeating the same patterns that keep you broke and frustrated and jumping from business to business.

Join My Business  if you want a personal phone
call from me this week to outline your 
pathway to success.

Let's make this week the one where you look
back 5 years from now and say,
that's when it turned around.

That's when my life started getting better.

JOIN ME tonight and I'll call you tomorrow

I look forward to helping you on your journey to success.



Friday, April 25, 2014

[How to Get out of Debt] part one in Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 21

How to Be Debt Free

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool
Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 21

Today I made a video for all my friends out there that are struggling with debt. 

This video will give you several tools to create space between you and your debt, give you some debt free baby steps, learn how to compartmentalize your debt and put it in it's place. 

I personally have recovered from over $118,000 in debt, and now have $7797 worth of debt which will be eradicated by the end of 2014!

Here are some free tools for you to become debt free in 2014. 

I hope it helps.

Feel free to share.



[how to be debt free]
[how to be debt free in 1 year]
[how to be debt free in 5 years]
[how to be debt free in 6 months]
[how to be debt free in 12 months]
[debt free in 1 year]
[debt free christian]
[becoming debt free]
[steps to being debt free]
[debt free living]
[debt consolidation]
[debt free today]
[debt reduction plan]
[debt free blog]
[debt settlement]
[debt free for life]
[how to become debt free]
[how to be debt free fast]
[I want to be debt free]
[debt free baby steps]
[how to pay off debt]
[debt consolidation ]
[debt consolidation loans]

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What is Your Why? - Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool #20


Today I did another blog post from my car. I've been subbing for a friend of mine teaching music 50 miles from my house, translate, I'm commuting at least one direction in traffic.

I hate traffic, I hate commuting, I've been blessed to have never really had to commute during rush hour times as a musician.

Today was the exception and I hated it, my normal commute is about 30 seconds from my bedroom to the home office, or I fly out to a gig somewhere in the world ( which I love flying, so that's cool)

I did a video blog post today about the WHY.

About having a definite WHY for being in business, for wanting to make a lot of money online, for being in business for yourself, for your family, and for your community.

I posted it here 

Watch it and comment below, what is your why?

Is it big enough to pull you through the small challenges that are bound to come up in your business?

As always, when you are ready to Join Me

Remember the 25 reasons why Blogging is good for business ? 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Want to Sell more products ? Tell Don't Sell! - Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 19 -

Want to Sell more Products? - TELL DON'T SELL!

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool

Who are you? What's your story? Are you brave enough to tell it? Than you can Sell it.

That's it, On today's earth day episode of 
Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool,
 I tell you part of my personal story.

How I got out from under $118,000 of debt in 5 years, how you can sell more by telling your story, and a Master Key ingredient in the way you approach your business.

Watch the video for the whole story and some lap steel guitar.

Get your blog right now - click here

It's an easy way to tell your story, market your products
and get massive traffic .

get it here

Monday, April 21, 2014

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 18 - Taking Action

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool #18 - Taking Action

Inspired by the Victorious Finish today by +Meb Keflezighi 
at the +Boston Marathon , Today's video talks about

Taking Action
Failing Forward?
Course Correction

and Consistency

When I started Marathon Training, a friend of mine who was a former cross country running coach described running as Falling Forward. See how that translates into business success in Failing Forward in today's video. 

Thanks to +Aaron Rashkin for the concept

Also see the earlier post to watch the inspired finish of today's marathon

When you are ready to get the tools you need to promote your business online and take it to the next level

To your Success!


Boston Marathon winner - Meb keflezighi


Eritrean-American Meb Keflizighi, a former New York City Marathon champion and Olympic medalist, won the men's title in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 37 seconds.
That means running an average of sub 5 min miles for 2 hours!!! AMAZING!

Watch this video for the final few minutes of the marathon

so emotional , so EPIC!!!

Here's the full article

I'm proud to be a marathoner and of all the 36,000 runners, most of whom are still running this epic event.

What I love about this is that it is a true testament to belief, faith, and coming back from adversity.

What's your best this year?

Watch this video to see how I'm going to finish Boston Strong in business this year.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fresh from the Race- Triathlon lessons learned today for life and business


Happy Easter! Happy Passover! Happy Triathlon!

Fresh From the Silicon Valley Triathlon, I picked up a couple lessons in the 3 hours and 25 minutes of the event today.

Watch the whole video for lessons and blessings

I posted in Fridays's blog here about trust and training 

this video builds on that idea and ....

Watch to find out the most important ingredient that was missing from the movie +thesecret  and how it will change the way you do business and affect the outcome of your interactions.

Here's the link to Join me in a business that I LOVE!

Click Here and let's start this week



Friday, April 18, 2014

Triathlon This Sunday - Sweating Your Way To Success in Business

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 16 - Consistency and Trust

Quote of the Day 

"Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement."

From Matt Biondi ( olympic Champion (5 gold medals, he set 7 world records)

The Silicon Valley Triathlon is coming up this Sunday and I'll be 'racing' for my first Olympic Distance Triathlon.

It's not an +Ironman Triathlon  or even a half +Ironman 70.3 

I've been training for this Triathlon for 3 months 6 days a week. Right now I'm in what's called Taper Madness! It's true, it's the time during the peak of training and the event. In this time, you slow down the training and allow your body to recover from the intense training.

I will say that the training for this Triathlon has been easier than the marathons I ran (except for swimming in San Francisco BAY!)

The distance for this Triathlon is .93 mile swim (in half Moon Bay) 25 mile bike ride 6.2 mile run.

The only part I'm concerned about is the swim (I'm a wimp when it comes to cold). So, why all this about Triathlon training and how can you use this for your business?

Watch this video to find out

Need tools to rapidly expand your business, EMPOWER your Marketing? Click Here and let's get started today

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Secret of the Top 1%

The Secret of the Top 1%


Take it from John Lavenia and Tony Rush

This Video is the long version of the web hangout

where John and Tony unlock the keys to the top 


I've condensed it down to 6 minutes here

Here is the link to get the tools that will explode your business this year!

Add your comment to the conversation below.


The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.George Bernard Shaw

ps here's some more ideas about rhinos and cows

'There are different types of people in the world. Thank goodness we are not all alike. That would definitely be boring. Some people are happy with a job with a good company for many years, then retiring, others dont want to keep the same job for too long and keep looking for something better, and still others want to work for themselves.

I read a great book one time called Rhinoceros Success. Actually it was the first of a three part series of books by Scott Alexander. In the book he described people and the hunt for success in a very unique way. Ill give you a taste of what he tried to put across in his books.

There have been a lot of books written about how to sell, how to succeed in business, and other similar titles. Many of them give complicated formulas for success. In Scotts books, he broke it down really simple.

He said, there are two types of people in the world, rhinos and cows. There are happy and sad rhinos and there are happy and sad cows.

Lets start with the sad rhino. You all know a sad rhino. He or she is the workaholic. They are very successful at what they do but they are miserable doing it. They have a drive to succeed and make everyone around them miserable, but succeed they do.

These are the people that yell a lot, stress out over deadlines, and think the world is coming to an end if they don't succeed at every little thing they do and when they don't its someone else's fault for not being a sad rhino too.

They are also the people who tend to die young of a heart attack or a stroke because of the enormous pressure they put on themselves. But don't worry. If you are a sad rhino, I have advice for you later in this article.

Now, lets go on to the happy rhino. These people are just as driven as the sad rhino to succeed, except they enjoy every minute of it. They know success is an elusive prey, but its the actual hunt they love more than the success itself.

They will always succeed because they do enjoy the hunt, not just the achievement after the hunt. Its not even about the money. They enjoy succeeding and pushing those around them to succeed. They are usually ones who will give others more than their fair share of chances to succeed.

If you are a happy rhino, I have good news and bad news for you. Ill give you the bad news first. I dont have any advice for you later in this article. The good news is, you dont need my advice. You are well on your own way to success. Ill see you there. But make sure you are really a happy rhino.

A happy rhino gets up every morning way before they need to because they look forward to every day and want to get a head start. A happy rhino doesnt need to yell at and bully others because they will follow the happy rhinos lead out of respect and because they want to be like them. A happy rhino leads by example.

A happy rhino lets nothing get in their way. In the wild a real rhino charges at its prey in a straight line. If weeds and brush scratch at them, they have a thick skin and ignore it. If they fall down, they get right back up and immediately begin charging at their prey. There are single-minded of purpose, looking straight ahead and will not lose focus on their goal.

If success in your home business is your prey and you want to be a happy rhino, you have to do the things a happy rhino does. You have to charge after your success, not just do a daily grind. You have to enthusiastically charge! You cannot let the little things equal to the brush and weeds bother you. Have a thick skin and ignore those as just distractions. If something knocks you down, you have to immediately get back up and charge after your successful home business. So, are you really a happy rhino yet?'

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I Feel Good - James Brown -Pomplamoose Video

Pomplamoose, smart, hipsters, Portlandia anyone? semi-sexy couple makes millions doing hip covers.

Brilliant. They don't even need to write their own tunes, they just cut up, remix and play others....

Here's the key, they do it real good

like....well, like +PomplamooseMusic 

like Empower, we sell other people's products

with our best ASSests


want your tools?


want to see the life changing video?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Boston Marathon Coming up this Monday April 21st

Boston Marathon April 21st 2014

   I am a Marathoner, It's true, I've run 2 marathons in my life

Here's a couple of grueling photos to prove it This one is from the Finish of my Second Marathon, the San Francisco Marathon on June 16th, last year 2013. I finished in a whopping 4:33

Scroll back to my first marathon December 2012 in Sacramento - 4 hours of running in the pouring rain

Yes that's me wearing a Garbage Bag. 

Running next to a vet I asked him, 
"How many marathons have you run?"
He answered, "50!"
Next logical question, "what's the worst conditions you've ever ran in?"
He grumbled "TODAY!!"

 I slogged it out and finished in a WHOPPING 5:05:05
on the clock it shows 5:08, but that's because 8000 people ran this race
and it took three minutes to get across the start line

     Here I am at the finish almost too spent to raise my arms.
Why all this talk about marathons, and what could it possibly have to add to your business? 

Well, of course you remembered what happened at the Boston marathon last year. If not, read the whole history and follow up here

This year, a record 36,000 people are registered to run, biggest year ever, and it's a testimony to the strength of the running community, Boston, and all the people who have run in support 
+Boston Strong  has become a symbol of triumph over tragedy.

Just look at the Facebook page -

Ok, back to business, besides being an avid runner still and doing my first Triathlon this Sunday in half moon bay, the lesson I get from this year of Marathoning and the Boston experience, is this....

How do you get up when you fail?

When life and business tank or are sabotaged, who is it that get's back up to fight again, or to put it more intensely 
here's Rocky 

So, there it is my friends, if you are struggling in life and/or in business and need a better way, Join me, let's get back up
and kick some a$$ this week.



Monday, April 14, 2014



Your Daily internet Marketing Tool  13!

I watched a film last night called +I AM Hardwell which is about the #1 DJ in the World
right now.

It chronicles his meteoric rise to fame over the last few years. He cast a vision when he was 16 years old to be the $1 DJ in the world and he hit it this year. Now he makes north of $9 million per year. 

Watch this video to see how I really feel about him 
and his music and how that matters to your business

'Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.'
-Oscar Wilde

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Man Pawns Guitar and Jumps in San Francisco Bay!


"Life Begins at the end of your Comfort Zone."

-Neale Donald Walsh

It's true, that was me today, watch this video to hear the whole story.

A couple questions to contemplate.

1. What is it that you fear most in your business that would really push you to the next level?

2 What is it that you fear most in your personal life that would really push you to the next level?

They are related and I hope you take a minute to think about it and write down in the comments what comes up, it will change your life.



Friday, April 11, 2014

I Love Paying $350,000 in Taxes ...When


President Obama paid almost $100,000 in Taxes last year on almost $500,000 in income

 How much did you pay? 

I have grow up accustomed to dreading tax time and remember the feeling of dread and stress in my house growing up around taxes

I remember a time where my Dad and I drove downtown to the mailbox at the IRS to get the payment in before midnight. There were lines of cars trying to get it in at the last minute.

Watch the video for the rest of the story

Sign up in my email box on the right to choose the amount of taxes you want to pay this year!


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 10 - Outwitting the Devil

Your Daily Internet Marketing Tool 10

'Whatever the Mind of Man Can Conceive and Believe, it can Achieve'
                   +Napoleon Hill

The Book Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill is a an Interview that Napoleon Hill has with the Devil for over 200 pages. Published over 70 years after his death, Hill 'extracts' from the Devil all means by which he ensnares 98% of humanity.

Whatever you believe about Heaven, Hell, God and the Devil, this book inadvertently outlines in great detail all the Napoleon Hill references in Think and Grow Rich and the Law Of Success.

The Most important take away for me is that the main route by which The Devil takes hold of a persons mind and soul is when he gives himself over to drifting, to lack of purpose and clarity, that's when the Devil (insert any other negative force here) takes.

The main vices used are fear, doubt, lust, greed, overindulgence in food, sex, and liquor.

So What is the Cure?

Definiteness of purpose, moving confidently in the direction of your vision, knowing exactly what you want and how you plan to get it. Demanding of the universe just compensation for your right actions.

Watch this video for more and to get a formula for getting exactly the amount of money you want now.

