Sunday, March 23, 2014

Kevin Bacon on Jimmy Fallon, 2 keys to your business success

Were you one of the 20 million who saw this live? how about the 3.7 million who have watched in on you tube in the last 4 days?

What can we learn from this to use in our business? Kevin Bacon has been BRANDED - THE FOOTLOOSE GUY. No matter what else he has done in his career , and he's done A LOT, he's that guy. So, rather than fight it, he embraces his branding and uses it to do other things, like play in his Band, be in other films, philathropy, etc.

What's the EMPOWERED take away from that? Become an expert at one thing, then you can branch out and do whatever you want.

The other great takeaway I get from this is

Be Memorable or, in the words
of internet genius +Gary Vaynerchuk 
be Meme-orable


what does that mean? 
Be an outrageous version of yourself.
In my branding as a musician
I simply put on a Fedora
and now people know
me as that guy with the fedora

What is your brand? Want to create something 
memorable and powerful that people want to 
GET THE $15K formula

It's the best training on the internet for marketing and 

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